Dear Mr. Timmermans,
the time for dialogue is over. Now is the time to act!
Since you are the one who took the responsibility of reacting on the part of the EU to the PIS government's dismantling of the rule of law in Poland I direct this last plea to you to act decisively to save the country from this now very real threat of taking over the whole state by this one populist rightist nationalistic party for decades to come. Now they have the judiciary, next they will go after the free media - in order to tip the future elections in their favor as we see in Hungary. If the EU is permitting this to happen - as it has until now - this will result in a great disillusion and bitterness of many Poles and actually is already making EU appear weak and laughable.
Mr. Timmermans, the never ending "dialogue" now is starting to look like complicity. IT IS THE LAST CHANCE TO SHOW YOU MEAN IT. YOU MUST ACT DECISIVELY NOW!
I am a Polish citizen and a patriot and (until now) a proud citizen of the EU and I assure you millions of Poles feel like me.
Sincerely yours,
Wytnij Wklej Podpisz i Wyślij
Woooow, aż mnie zatkało. Ale informacja :):):)
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